Friday, June 24, 2011

Scoferman (Scorpio Cafe Racer, Man)!!!

Also owned by my "big" friend, Guntur. Now, it's his Scorpio's turn to be modified. I mentioned in my last post about "thr3no", the name of his Scorpio. He wanted a different kind of style for his thr3no. So I gave him a cafe racer design.

A red frame with blue paint job.
At first I gave a bit dark blue just like the first bike, riotic. I gave him the design. He didn't like it, because the red frame is so flaming, so he wanted a softer blue.
So this is it, the design.

Just like Superman's color :P
He suggested to place a Superman's Logo on its tank. And I called it "Scoferman, Scorpio Cafe Racer, Man!!!" LOL
BTW, the number 7 is his registration number on FR Biker Community

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